Top 5 posts 2023

Rebecca Freeman

As another year draws to an end and the blog prepares for some downtime over the festive period, we wanted to take a look back at the blog in 2023.

In case you missed any of our posts the first time round, the five most viewed posts for the year were:

  1. How house prices respond to interest rates depends on where they are in the country
  2. Why lower house prices could lead to higher mortgage rates
  3. Bomadland: How the Bank of Mum and Dad helps kids buy homes
  4. ‘There is all the difference in the world between paying and being paid’: margin calls and liquidity demand in volatile commodity markets
  5. Location, location, location? How UK housing preferences shifted during the pandemic

We hope you enjoyed the blog in 2023. Happy New Year and we look forward to you reading our posts in 2024!

Rebecca Freeman, Managing Editor

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