PNC Bank CIO Ganesh Krishnan to speak at Bank Automation Summit 2022

Ganesh Krishnan, enterprise chief information officer for the PNC Bank Financial Services Group, will join Bank Automation Summit 2022 for a panel discussion on Ideation in Banking — the Art of Generating New Products and Services, on Wednesday, March 2, at 2:15 p.m. ET at the JW Marriott in Charlotte, N.C.

Ganesh Krishnan, EVP and CIO of PNC Bank’s corporate and institutional banking business

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The panel discussion will focus on design thinking in traditional product development, freeing strategy from legacy technology, and cultivating a team culture of revolutionary ideation.

Krishnan leads PNC Bank’s strategic technology programs, where he drives automation campaigns for improving the $553.5 billion Pittsburgh-based bank’s business verticals. The transition from legacy to automation should be smooth, though not without achieving the final goal of end-to-end automation, he told Bank Automation News.

“We all have been in organizations which have had legacy over a period of decades, and those legacy technologies don’t disappear,” Krishnan said. “We are on a journey, we are on a marathon, not a sprint. But we have to be focused on the marathon and finish the marathon in record time.”

Krishnan leans on automation to improve the customer experience but warns a ‘shiny layer’ is not enough. Once customers get past the initial stratum of digitization, they will see the low-quality effort supporting it, he said.

“If you are not able to automate all of your internal monolithic processes, and you are not able to break it down and automate the internal pieces end to end, and achieve self-service truly with no manual touches, you are not in the game,” Krishnan said.

Krishnan has been at PNC since 2008, previously serving as executive vice president and chief information officer of corporate and institutional banking (C&IB), senior vice president of C&IB technology, and vice president and systems director.

Bank Automation Summit, taking place March 1-2 in Charlotte, N.C., is the first and only event to focus solely on automation in banking. The event will feature the brightest minds from across financial services on intelligent automation strategies and deployment. Learn more and register here for Bank Automation Summit 2022.

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