Our top 5 posts of 2021

As another year draws to an end and the blog prepares for some downtime over the festive period, we wanted to take a look back at the blog in 2021.

In response to the global Covid-19 pandemic, in 2020 we launched a Special series: Covid-19 Briefings. Contributions continued into this year and featured among our top-read posts. In addition, we published posts on a wide variety of topics including the impact of policy uncertainty on the global economy, the transmission of global funding shocks to emerging markets, the links between deglobalisation and recessions, and household debt and consumption, to name just a few.

In case you missed any of our posts the first time round, the five most viewed posts for the year were:

  1. What is a Bitcoin worth?
  2. How does international capital flow?
  3. Covid-19 briefing: working from home and worker productivity
  4. On the origin of systemic risk
  5. Procyclicality mechanisms in the financial system: what we know and some open questions

We hope you enjoyed the blog in 2021. Happy New Year and we look forward to you reading our posts in 2022!

Rebecca Freeman, Managing Editor.

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