Lindsay LaNore: All in. All heart.

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There’s nothing like going above and beyond—but being recognized for it feels pretty great, too.

By Lindsay LaNore, ICBA

Last month, we hosted the 2022 ICBA LIVE event in San Antonio, and the theme for the general sessions was “All In. All Heart.” But what does it mean to go all in?

According to Merriam-Webster, the expression all in means “fully committed to or involved in something.” The phrase is often used by sports coaches to get their players to commit fully to a game, and by poker players when they’ve put all their chips into the pot.

Being all in is the ultimate commitment—and that can be intimidating. But if we can overcome our fears or hesitations, going all in can get us, and our teams, closer to success. To borrow a concept from the book Be All In by Olympic gold medalist Christie Pearce Rampone and sports neuropsychologist Dr. Kristine Keane, it’s about being authentically present in everything you do, on and off the field—or inside and outside the bank.

Our experiences influence our mindsets, our ideas shift paradigms and our vision sets the course for our banks, teams and communities far into the future. Taking an all-in approach positively affects outcomes and helps to light the path forward.

Each and every day, ICBA sees examples of people going all in with purpose. Community bankers exemplify resilience and resolve and remind us that a champion isn’t something you are; it’s something you wake up every morning and decide to do.

By embracing an all-in mindset, we shift our views to think and act differently, accepting the potential for both professional and personal growth. Think about the countless times when you’ve witnessed your team going above and beyond to achieve a goal:

  • Staying late to finish a major project (remember those PPP days and nights?)
  • Spending extra time with a customer to give them an exceptional experience
  • Going the extra mile to help a colleague who is struggling with a difficult project
  • Thinking outside the box to innovate and improve customer experience or an internal bank process
  • Making an impact in the community with a bank-supported initiative
  • Influencing the energy of a meeting with a positive tone, a practical outlook and prepared contributions

As a leader, give your team the tools and support to go all in and do what they do best. If it means new technology, more time, added financial support, extra encouragement or access to critical connection points, give them what they need to jump into a task with excitement and commitment.

And once you’ve done that, why not celebrate with a quarterly or annual “All In” award that honors this commitment? There’s nothing like going above and beyond—but being recognized for it feels pretty great, too.

Lindsay LaNore ([email protected]) is ICBA’s group executive vice president and chief learning and experience officer

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